NGSSphenomena 30 Day Science Challenge - Back to School Edition!

Back to School - and 30 more ways to kick off the year with science!

Welcome to the Virtual Science Education blog post. This school year is off to a challenging start - we all got into teaching because of our love of working with students and this virus is making this especially difficult. Our goal is to help where we can - and that is in bringing accessible and fun science to the foreground, and kick off this new year with a smile…and 30 days of science!!


What can we do at home to have fun with science?

Science is more than facts that old people figured out a long time ago and put into books - science is exploring and asking questions and being wrong and…having fun. Let’s use this challenge to take a second - think - why did that happen? Who can I discuss this with? Where do I write this down - my science notebook!?!?

Back to School 30 Day Science Challenge.png

science is everywhere

Getting back to school means that we are about to flood the world with all of our questions and listen to our classmates who are also trying to figure out what is happening around us. Whether we are learning virtually or in-person, we are all trying to make sense of the world, especially things that science can help us understand.

Here is your board - cross off the squares as you complete the challenge.

Use a notebook to record your observations and questions or take a picture to share with classmates and family.

There are no rules or requirements other than - have fun and enjoy!


Post written by TJ McKenna and Chris Zieminski for

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