STEM Sensemaking & Phenomena Speaking & Consulting

TJ McKenna, Ph.D. is a STEM Sensemaking expert and educational consultant skilled in leading professional development, workshops and transformative K-12 learning experiences

Looking for engaging and actionable professional learning support for your school, district, or education community? Work with TJ McKenna to craft a webinar, on-site workshop, or multi-day engagement to reach your STEM Sensemaking goals this school year. As the author of "Making Sense of Sensemaking: Designing Authentic K–12 STEM Learning Experiences," TJ brings research-backed strategies aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).


Professional learning focused on the essentials of K-12 STEM sensemaking and authentic science education. Actionable, relevant, practical professional development.

From on-site workshops to webinars, I support teachers and educational leaders who want to transform traditional teaching into dynamic, student-centered learning environments. Just like what you'll find in my book "Making Sense of Sensemaking" and the NGSS Phenomena library, my professional learning opportunities feature actionable, ready-for-tomorrow strategies for K-12 classrooms.

  • Partnerships that deliver customized professional learning designed to support STEM sensemaking integration goals for your K-12 classrooms

  • Engaging hybrid and virtual professional development options in addition to on-site workshops and presentations

  • Access to the searchable NGSS Phenomena library to support implementation of authentic science learning

  • If you follow along on social media you already know — I love to work with educators across the country and around the world!

Here's How We Can Work Together

Schools, districts, education organizations & special events

Presentations & Workshops

Presentations & Workshops

Designed to meet the goals of your next in-service professional development day or education conference. Including concurrent sessions (60-90 minutes), half-day and full-day workshops, back-to-back days at your next event. All workshops include access to models, pedagogical strategies, and tangible examples that can be immediately implemented.

Webinars & Workshops

A virtual option for schools looking to focus on one STEM sensemaking topic in a 60 to 90 minute webinar or to dive a bit deeper in half- or full-day workshops. Options for a series of webinars and workshops in weekly or monthly rotations with rubrics for assessing STEM learning experiences.

Long-Term Engagement

For schools and districts looking for an extended partnership over a semester or school year. Including hybrid model of virtual and on-site engagements, coaching and demonstration lessons, and general advisement on developing teacher capacity for sensemaking.

Virtual Coaching

Opportunity for one-on-one support for teachers and educational leaders looking for a partner to support planning and reflection around STEM sensemaking goals. Options for regular meetings or office hours throughout the school year to build sensemaking into a lifelong journey of learning.

Keynote Speaker

An opportunity to kick off your next event with stories (and strategies) related to purposeful STEM sensemaking integration. Designed to connect to conference and professional learning day themes that emphasize student-centered approaches to science education.

Book Study

Jump into a conversation around "Making Sense of Sensemaking: Designing Authentic K–12 STEM Learning Experiences," or explore the NGSS Phenomena library together with your group. Options for a kick-off event, Q&A or guided book study that incorporates disciplinary core ideas, crosscutting concepts, and science and engineering practices.